150 Genevan Psalms - Dick Sanderman
150 Genevan Psalms – Dick Sanderman

Accompaniment book for the 150 Genevan Psalms composed by Dick Sanderman of Rijssen, the Netherlands. Continuing the tradition of the 19th century Sanderman taken a fresh look at the tunes in the 21st century. (This music was published in the Netherlands in a Dutch language edition earlier.)

  • Hardcover colour, 325 pages
  • Published and printed in Canada ISBN – 978-1-77084-074-4
  • With English texts and descriptions
  • Price $ 40.00 (excl. shipping)

From the composer…

“This book was initially published in the Netherlands in 2004, after a long process of composition, which happened over the period September 2001 to October 2003. I am most honoured that the Canadian Reformed Churches intend to use this book during their services of worship. One of the things I had in mind while working on this book was the fact that in many congregations the singing of the Psalms does not happen at the quality it could. Congregations often wait for the organist to play the first chord at the beginning of each verse, and sometimes even at the beginning of every new line, then take a breath, and only then start singing. As a result, every line is metrically disconnected from the previous and gone is the sense of pulse. In order to create such a continuing pulse, I decided to fill the pauses between the lines with connecting chords. In the original preface I suggested to omit these chords in situations where the congregation does not have any problems to start the next line in proper time. In that case, the original pause between the lines should be applied. Two other specific problems asked for special care. First of all, in some congregations still sing melodic alterations (sharpened notes) are still sung at certain places due to a practice dating from the era psalm-singing was isometrical, for instance in the Psalms 68, 138 and 150. I decided to harmonize these in a way in which both the correct note and the ‘old fashioned’ alteration can be sung. In these cases, the incorrect alteration has been printed between brackets; even though these particular sharps are not consistent with the original notation, the habit to sing them nevertheless is a reality in some congregations. Secondly, in Psalms such as 20, 32, 41, 43 and 47 there are places where lines should be sung without a break. Even though I am aware that some congregations are in the habit of pausing for a break between these lines I decided not to fill any of these breaks. When two lines should be sung as a whole, without a pause, it has been notated and harmonized accordingly. Many of the psalms have been provided with two preludes, or with a short prelude (intonation) and a longer one. (…)”


Pickup: $ 40.00

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